Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 7-9, August 27 to 29, 2013

August 27, 2013

Reykjavik, Iceland to Prestwick, England (735 NM)

Prestwick, England to Vienna, Austria (900 NM)



Today is the last lag for the Atlantic crossing. Hurray! No more survival suit after England. Marlene and Randall will get off at Prestwick and have a short tour to London before they take a commercial flight back to California. Bye, Marlene and Randall. It has been fun to travel with you. You two are good sports. We will miss you.



Three and half hours to Prestwick and another 4 hours to get to Vienna. We lose 2 hours by time difference too. We arrived Vienna at 6:00 pm. Checked into the Imperial Hotel. This historical hotel is just next to St. Charles church.



Vienna is rated number 2 in the world as most livable city. The marks of Austro-Hungarian Empire's glorious history are amongst modern buildings and clean treelined streets. With population of only 1.5 million, to me, Vienna is like an elegant lady, always has time for afternoon tea. But, I guess everyone has a Vienna in his/her heart, be it Mozart's favorite city, the Blue Donau's muse.....

August 28, 2013

Take a off day today to recoup. Update blog, learn to use Blogsy, and recharge everything. Being the music capital of the world, there is always a performance somewhere in town all year round. Tonight, we see a performance of most popular Mozart pieces at the Opera House. Pass time the Viennanian way.


August 29, 2013


Half day tour. Bernard, our tour guide, curates the city for us. A visit to Schonbrunn Palace gave us glimpse of the home of the Hufberg monarchy. Also saw the center character of the sensational focus, Empress Kaiserine Elizabeth, " Miss Sisi" (1837 - 1898). A true beauty in deed. She never allows her waist to be more the 16 inches. Movies, TV series repeatedly adapt her story in Europe. I have to check it out in YouTube.

Shonbrunn Palace. Very pleasant tour. Not a lot of people.
Okay, now, that is for good luck.

Stopped at a few landmark "Hundertwasser" buildings. Friedrich Husertwasser (1928-2000) an artist first, then the architect. He build buildings around the world but mostly in Vienna as he was born there.

His building is mind boggling in its irregularity about everything. He wrote " What we urgently need are barriers of beauty; these barriers of beauty consist of uncontrolled irregularities. Paradises can only be made with our own hands, with our own creativity in harmony with the free creativity of nature."

What is inspiring to me is that he has a believe, and he lives his life everyday to work on his believe. He paint, he designs, he build walls, he writes..... He just live his life fully with no reservation and enriched this world with his creativity.








Time to sit down and have a real Vienna coffee. At the famous Cafe Central.

City of Vienna has this "Car 2 Go" program where people can sign up and use and return these cars at designated road sides. Great idea put to work.

Bye, Vienna. Tomorrow, we will fly to Turkey.


Day 6, August 26, 2013

August 26, 2013

Day at Reykjavik, Iceland

Iceland is known for its never too cold, never too hot climate. Cool temperature for summer. Low 60s. Vast land with not too many people. We visited "American Plate" where the separation of America and Europe continent is visible. It is hard to describe the feeling of seeing the geological formation displayed in front of you and realize that human migration, history, and culture are all affected by it.

As land of seismic activities, there are plenty of geysers, volcanos, and waterfalls. A short stop to see a few.


The eruption is continuous. As if we are seeing earth breathing.


Finally, we arrived at the famous " Blue Lagoon". Natural hot spring with its pastel blue water is a wonder. We have made arrangement to use the newly established private quarter where individual private changing room and rest area is quiet and cozy. Food and wine can be ordered with a balcony overlooking the lagoon. One and half hours passed by too fast. Blue Lagoon upheld its reputation. Did not disappoint.






Stopped at gift shop. A can of Fresh Icelandic Air or a Viking, anyone?



Day 5 - August 25, 2013

August 25, 2013
Ilulisaat, to Kangerlussuaq, Greenland (150 nm)
Kangerlussuaq, Greenland to Reykjavik, Iceland (750 nm)
Today, we will fly to Iceland continuing our crossing.

The group at Ilulisaat airport. All 8 on board.

The group at Ilulisaat airport.
Service of Ying Air is first class.
Say good bye to unforgettable Greenland and flying to milder Iceland.

Stop at Kangerlussuaq again to drop off Citation group.

The volcano that gave us major problem in 2010 crossing. Now is calm.
Street of Raykavic.

Jeffrey cannot resist a Gyro even before dinner.
Fish Market is actually a restaurant.

After dinner walk back to hotel.

Tomorrow is a day of sightseeing in Raykavic.